Motivation. Wisdom. Tough love. Credibility.
“Be happy NOW. Not when you get another job or lose 50 pounds or get your kids off to school. Don’t live on hold! Live NOW. Make peace with yourself, love who you are and just take the damn risk to live bold.”
– Fawn Germer

Change IS.
Change and chaos have become a part of our existence. Politics! Racial tension! Shootings! Russia! Covid! Every day there is something else to unnerve you. No wonder people are agitated, frustrated and searching for a better way.
Deal with It.
If you can't stop change, you've got to learn to dive into it. Your greatest opportunity to succeed occurs when others are discouraged or giving up. Want more choices at work and at home? Train your brain to accept, cope and adapt. Then boldly dive into it.
Be Transformed
Gain the confidence and courage to face ANY challenge – no matter what. As soon as you make peace with uncertainty, you can skip to the front of the line. Not only will you be rewarded, you'll be happier. Bolder leadership, bolder change, bolder choices.
The keynote speaker of choice for 80 Fortune 500 companies
Fawn Germer wants you to make peace with risk, let go of your fear of failing, then dive fearlessly into living so you create your greatest success in the big picture of life – not just at work. This world will make you crazy if you let it. Change is constant and the pace is insane, but Fawn will give you clear strategies toward making yourself a more relevant and viable professional.